Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wandmalerei चित्र

Mural painting:
joan raven has created murals in different areas; children rooms, businesses, hotels ....
see job blog that focuses its recent creation, in a wine cellar, which use organic and biodynamic agriculture. along with other examples of their work.
Joan raven, offers his work to people, businesses, decorators ... in his works, mixed the theme proposed by the client at the same time, which adds universal concepts with an artist's own character

Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wan भित्ति चित्र

Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wan भित्ति चित्र
CREUS que creus-kreuz-cross-croix-croce / fotografia de TXELL TORT


l'Escaladel gira-sol/the scale of sunflowers
.Sunflower, the flower that follows the path of the sun (star),
 in Catalan has the double meaning of gestures (movements) individual 
(If we observe the fields of sunflowers,
see the sunflowers that give this idea)

habitació del Nil: (habitació per un infant)
Nile Room: (room for a child)
intimate house / casa particular

d'Orient a Occident
East West
intimate house / casa particular.

habitació de Lara: "gats,cavalls alats, unicorns..."
Lara room: "cats, winged horses, unicorns ..."
intimate house / casa particular.

Lara: el bany de Lara
Lara: Lara bath
intimate house / casa particular

Mite. Myth / casa particular

La Divina Comèdia
Els peixos que van descobrir la paraula malenconia
The fish that they discover the word melancholy
casa particular / intimate house

 l'escala de la vida per un ginecòleg
the scale of life by a gynecologist
intimate house / casa particular

similitud amb el lotus i la rosa: 
el lotus surgeix del fang, la rosa floreix d'un tronc ple d'espines, en ambdós casos es tracta d'un acte  inpermanent  i canviant.
no es  té per objecte elaborar una pintura merament decorativa.
es tracte d'una metafora del camí espiritual que cada esser viu realitza.

casa particular / intimate house

similarity to the lotus and the rose:
The lotus is born in the mud, the rose is full of thorns.
In both cases it is an act inpermanent and changing.
not intended to produce a purely decorative painting.
Been treated metaphorically the spiritual path of living beings.

Personatges per una mitologia personalitzada
Characters for a personalized mythology
cases particulars / intimate house


Escapades. Breaks

Dragonera Petita.
Dragonera small: the name of the island Menorca

de Menorca a Samarkanda.
Dona arbre per una cambra intima
tree woman

la cambra de l'est...
chamber of the East...